Your home’s electrical system is one of its most important components because it is responsible for providing you with light, keeping your appliances running, and ensuring you have everything needed to keep you comfortable when spending time indoors. Therefore, it is essential that you keep your electrical system in good working order, to prevent problems down the line.
The wiring inside your walls is a fundamental part of this system as a whole, as it delivers electricity to the various rooms throughout your house or commercial property. This wiring also protects the home against potential problems associated with electricity because on their own, electrical currents can be very dangerous.
If you live in an older home, your wiring will almost certainly need an upgrade at some point. An upgrade is needed because the wirework installed in past generations can’t keep up with the demand of today’s appliances. Even if your home was built in the 1980s, it could struggle with modern devices, and houses built before the 1970s could have serious issues with the type of wiring used or the lack of PVC coverings on the wires.
Your best bet in this situation is to call Hunt’s Services at 253-533-7500 and have one of our experienced electricians inspect your wiring and determine if you need to rewire your home. At the end of the day, the peace of mind created by having your place looked at is great, and once you have your wiring up to date, your home becomes a much safer place to be.
Risks of Old Wiring
As you might have guessed, the principal risk associated with old wiring is fire. Electrical fires are difficult to spot because, often, they start inside the walls in places that you can’t see. Electrical sparks also spread quickly, since there is so much fuel inside the walls, and the consequences can be devastating.
Every year in the United States alone, there are approximately 26,000 electrical fires in the home. Close to 40% of these fires start in the outlets or interior wiring of the house, which are directly related to the quality of the job done and the materials used in your home’s wiring. These fires lead to over 1,000 injuries and close to 300 deaths annually.
Signs a Rewiring is Necessary
One sign that your home is in need of rewiring is that your circuit breaker continually trips. The job of the breaker is to stop the flow of electricity through your home whenever its circuit has too many amps running through it. There are a number of things that could cause the breaker to trip, including a faulty appliance, but it can also be caused by old wiring.

Aluminum Wiring
If you have aluminum wiring in your home, consider having your house rewired, even if you aren’t experiencing problems at the moment. Rewiring is necessary because the aluminum wiring can cause a fire when its connections fail, as it leads to overheating. Millions of homes were built with aluminum wiring in the 1960s and 70s, so if your home falls into that age category, give us a call and one of our certified electricians will inspect your wiring and come up with a recommendation.
Discolored or Charred Outlets
Have a look at the outlets around your home. If you notice that any of them are discolored or even charred, it means you have a loose connection that has caused a small fire to start in the past. Luckily, this fire went out on its own without burning your house down, but next time you might not be so fortunate. It is essential that you have an experienced electrician look at this issue immediately to prevent severe damage from occurring.
Burning Smell
You might notice a burning smell inside of your home, which could signal an electrical short inside your walls. If you search through your home and can’t find any discoloration in your outlets or switches, but the smell is present anyway, have your wiring inspected immediately. This type of issue is even more dangerous than a loose connection because it means you could have a pressing problem with the wiring behind your drywall that will have to be fixed right away.
Something you might not consider is that rewiring can allow you to add more outlets to your home. For example, if you only have one outlet in each room of your house, it’s probably because that’s all your current system can handle. A home that is up to the contemporary code should have one outlet for every six to eight feet of space, and all of these outlets should be three-pronged, rather than the antiquated two-pronged outlets. If you notice that each bedroom in your home only has one outlet, it is a sign that a significant upgraded is needed.

Flickering lights are a clue that your home’s electrical system isn’t keeping up with demand. When a light flickers, it is because an appliance is experiencing power surges, which happens from time to time. The issue is that your electrical system isn’t keeping up with the demand these surges require, causing your lights to flicker. An occasional flicker isn’t a big deal, but when it happens continually, it is something you should have one of our electricians look at by calling 253-533-7500 today.
Contact Hunt’s Services Today
Hunt’s Services can handle all of your rewiring needs, no matter how large or small the job might be. There’s no reason to go it alone without the assistance of a professional, especially with a task as important as a home rewiring, because Hunt’s has a team of certified electricians standing by to meet your needs.
As an added bonus, rewiring your home will increase your property value, as you can use the fact that all of your wiring is modern and up to code as part of your marketing plan, if you need to sell your home in the near future.
Give us a call at 253-533-7500 today, and we’ll send someone over to determine if a house rewiring is in your best interests.
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