Your EV chargers install in Renton, Washington, will change your life, and Hunt’s Services can make it happen for you. Our technicians will efficiently get your charging station up and running, so there’s nothing stopping you from making full use of your electric vehicle. At Hunt’s Services, we only use licensed electricians to install your EV Charger making sure it is up to State of Washington residential electrical codes.

As you know, EVs are becoming incredibly popular all over the country. However, keeping the battery at optimal levels remains a challenge because there aren’t enough conveniently located public chargers available.

Hunt’s Services is looking to change all that with our EV charger installation services in Renton, WA. We’ll visit your home and install any brand of EV charger you have so you can charge your car on your own time whenever you wish.

Call us at 253-533-7500 to learn more. We’re standing by to assist with your EV charger installation in King County and other locations around Puget Sound.

A Quick Overview of Electric Vehicle Chargers

It’s a good idea to learn about EV chargers before going ahead with an installation. Understanding the various EV charger types and how they work is a good start.

There are three basic EV charger types on the market: Level 1, Level 2, and DC Fast.

There’s a good chance you already have a Level 1 Charger because they can plug directly into your current power supply. While these chargers are convenient, they’re also slow, and you’ll be left waiting for the better part of the day for it to fill your battery. While a Level 1 Charger might be acceptable if you don’t drive very far, you’ll need something a little more powerful if you have a lengthy daily commute.

Level 2 Chargers are increasing in popularity because they are much faster than the basic units. They’ll fully charge your vehicle in a few hours, so it’s ready to go for you every morning when you leave for work. You’ll have to run a new wire outside your house because these units require a 240-volt supply, but it’s worth it because of the convenience they offer.

DC Fast Chargers sound like a great concept because they can charge your battery to 80% in about 30 minutes, but it’s unlikely your home can support the output they require. These units are typically found on commercial properties because of their electricity needs, so you probably can’t install one at your house at this time.

Hunt’s Services installs Level 2 Chargers in Renton, Washington, and other locations in the Pacific Northwest. Call us at 253-533-7500 to start the process today.

Is a Home EV Charger Right For You?

Installing an electric vehicle charger outside your Renton home is a commitment, so you’ll want to ensure it’s the right decision for you and your family.

The first thing you should know is that a home EV charger is incredibly convenient. It’s like putting a gas pump in your driveway because you won’t have to head out to refuel your EV ever again.

It’ll also save you money in the long run because you won’t be responsible for connection fees and other add-ons that come up when using a public charger. You’ll only pay for the electricity to use, offering cost savings every time you charge.

Driving an EV reduces your carbon footprint, and using a personal charging station becomes more viable. If you still have a gas-powered vehicle as a backup, installing a charger makes it more likely you can get rid of it because charging will be less of an issue.

Your property value will increase, too, because buyers might place a premium on homes with a charging station that’s ready to use. While this might not matter to you, if you’re selling in the near future, a home charging station could be a good thing as you look to generate interest.

Hunt’s Services can assist with your EV charger installation in Renton, no matter your reason for wanting one. Call us at 253-533-7500 to start the process as soon as possible.

Hunt’s Services Can Help

As EVs continue to rise in popularity, charging stations will become a necessity for drivers. You can get ahead of the rush by installing a Level 2 Charger at your Renton home right away, ensuring you can maximize the value your electric vehicle provides in your life.

The Hunt’s Services team will run new wiring from your electrical panel to the ideal spot for your EV charger. We’ll then mount the unit and ensure everything is ready to go. All you have to do is buy the charger, but do not worry, as we install all major brands like Tesla, Wallbox, Grizzl-E, and Chargepoint.

There are hundreds of reasons to go ahead with an EV charger installation in Renton, WA. Call Hunt’s Services at 253-533-7500 to get the job done right away for any of your electrical, plumbing, heating, cooling and sewer maintenance, install and repair needs.