Dealing with clogged drains can cause a lot of anxiety, but the Seattle rooter service offered by Hunt’s Services Seattle Plumbers can help.

We service residential as well as commercial ensuring your rooter needs are taken care of in all types of properties, including:
  • Residential homes, apartments, and condos
  • Restaurants
  • Office buildings
  • Commercial properties

We understand that not every plumbing issue occurs during regular business hours, nor is it possible to take time from your busy schedule to stay home for us. We can take your call 24 hours a day. Our emergency rooter and drain cleaning services will ensure you get help when you need it.

If you are connected to the city sewer lines like most homes and businesses, you pay Seattle Public Utilities a monthly fee to operate and maintain the sewer lines that take the waste from your property to wastewater treatment facilities. However, responsibility for the entire length of the sewer drain lines from your property to the connection to City Sewer Lines is the responsibility of the property owner.