As a homeowner or business in Burien, did you know that Hunt’s Services in nearby Tacoma provides comprehensive electrical services with certified, licensed electricians? Our team has the skills and expertise to address any electrical concerns you have and handle the repair. Our services include installation and repair of lighting, fans, outlets, generators, panels, as well as, rewiring your entire house if needed.

Quickly getting to the bottom of your electrical problems is highly recommended. After all, these issues can be fire hazards in certain situations and, at the very least, could cause a service disruption for you and your family. Booking an appointment with an experienced technician minimizes these concerns, keeping your home’s important components up and running.

Hunt’s Services offers electrical installation and repairs for residents and business owners in Burien. Our electricians will get to the bottom of any electrical problems you experience and can also provide new installations. Call Hunt’s Services at 253-533-7500 to learn more.