Signs You Need a Furnace Repair HVAC Service
There are numerous signs that a furnace repair could be in your future, so keep an eye out for trouble to ensure that there is no disruption in your service.
One sign that your furnace could be experiencing problems is when you see your heating bills increase. In many cases, this means that your furnace isn’t running at its highest efficiency or requires some maintenance. Keep in mind, however, that a decrease in temperature could also cause your bills to increase.
If your thermostat isn’t working, it’s a surefire sign that your furnace could use a repair. In this situation, no matter how high you turn your heat setting, your home might not warm up at all. There’s a chance that an electrical issue with your thermostat is the culprit, but a broken furnace could also be the cause. Either way, Hunt’s Services can help.
Strange noises coming from your furnace isn’t healthy and is a sign that you could have a problem with your heating system. These sounds range from popping and rattling to screeching and squealing, with each type of noise having a different underlying cause. A screeching sound is usually the most serious because it occurs when there is an issue with your blower or inducer motor.
Do you smell gas inside your home? If so, it’s an emergency, and you’ll want to call Hunt’s Services at 253-533-7500 right away. Older furnaces can develop cracks in the heat exchanger, which is often what causes the gas leak. Don’t operate the furnace at all if you smell gas because it could cause an explosion.
A properly working furnace will feature a blue flame, while one that isn’t functioning could have a yellow glow. There’s also a chance that the yellow flame is signaling a carbon monoxide leak, so you’ll want to shut the furnace down, get out of the house, and contact Hunt’s Services immediately if you notice this symptom.
Times When a Furnace Replacement is Necessary
In most cases, Hunt’s Services will attempt to repair your current furnace to reduce your costs. There are situations, however, where a total replacement becomes necessary.
For starters, if your unit is over 20 years old, there’s a chance that the parts might not be available anymore, and you’ll require a new furnace. Generally, furnaces last between 15 and 20 years and components start breaking down on them once they get to that age. There are exceptions, but if everything on your furnace is wearing down, a replacement is your best option.
Another situation where you should consider a replacement is if your previous unit wasn’t installed properly. Unfortunately, this is a problem that we see from time-to-time, as furnaces that aren’t put in with due care tend to break down very quickly. Years of added stress from an improper installation could mean that you’ll require a new unit right away.
Hunt’s Services installs and repairs many furnace and HVAC brands including American Standard, Ameristar, Mitsubishi, Coleman, Daikin, Bosh, and Lennox.