Your furnace replacement in Olympia, Washington, the capital of WA State, might not be something you’re looking forward to, but the team at Hunt’s Services will make it easier for you. Our certified, licensed technicians know furnaces inside and out and will ensure your new furnace installation goes as smoothly as possible, no matter the scenario.

    Having a poorly functioning furnace can be a frustrating experience. You need to have trust in this appliance because it keeps your home warm and your family comfortable in the winter. However, furnaces only last for about 20 years before keeping them running becomes cost-prohibitive, at which time replacing your unit becomes the best option.

    If you ever find yourself with an older furnace that keeps breaking down, make Hunt’s Services your first call. Our team is standing by at 253-533-7500 to repair or replace your furnace in Olympia and surrounding areas, helping ensure the cold isn’t a problem for you this winter.

    When to Replace Your Olympia Furnace

    Knowing when you have issues with your furnace is critical so you can address them early on. Early detection of these problems is vital because it helps minimize service disruptions, which is especially important during cold snaps.

    Noticing unusual sounds, such as rattling, screeching, popping, or squealing, coming from your furnace room is a good sign you have a problem that requires professional help. Malfunctions in the inducer or blower can generate these noises, and repairing such components might not make sense financially if your furnace is getting up there in age. In this scenario, consider replacing the unit with a more efficient option.

    When you turn your thermostat on, and the furnace won’t activate or only blows cold air, it could mean you have a major problem to address. Underlying causes may include a damaged gas valve, flame sensor, or limit switch, and these components will need replacing before your furnace will work again. Once again, a furnace replacement might be the best option if your unit is approaching the two-decade mark.

    A sudden increase in heating bills often signals an efficiency problem within your furnace. However, there could be some internal problems reducing its efficiency that could also lead to service disruptions in the future. Depending on your furnace’s age, opting for a high-efficiency replacement may be more economical in the long term.

    The age of your furnace matters when devising a plan because it simply gets too expensive to continue repairing these units as they get older. Whether you think your furnace is on its last legs or you want to keep it running for a few more years, the team at Hunt’s Services can help. Hunt’s Services is ready to assist in your furnace replacement in Thurston County. Contact us at 253-533-7500 to get started today.

    Your Olympia, WA, Furnace Replacement

    Replacing your furnace in Olympia, Washington, is a multi-step process. You can’t visit a store and pick out the unit you think would work best because many other things go into it.

    First, you’ll need an appointment with a professional team like the one at Hunt’s Services. A team member will visit your property, determine the issue with your furnace, and develop some options for you.

    Remember, if you have an older furnace, components will continue breaking with regularity, which is why we often recommend a replacement in that situation.

    When you go ahead with an Olympia furnace replacement, you’ll want to ensure the unit you choose is the right size for your home. Selecting a furnace that’s too large or too small will cause efficiency issues and could cause its components to wear out prematurely, creating the need for more repairs. Hunt’s Services will help you select the correct size of furnace, so this won’t be a problem for you.

    Furnaces have varying efficiency levels, too, which is another decision you’ll have to make. Every furnace on the market has an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating, which is on a scale of 0 to 100. The gist is that the number represents the percentage of fuel turned into heat for your building, so a furnace with a 98 rating can convert 98% of fuel into heat.

    Units offering greater efficiency cost more upfront but also reduce your heating bills because there’s less waste. You’ll have to figure out the best option for your home before continuing with the furnace installation.

    Another option is installing heat pumps in Olympia, Washington. These products have ducted and ductless HVAC options and might be worth considering as you choose your next heating source. The bonus is that they provide cooling in the summer, too.

    No matter the direction you go, Hunt’s Services can walk you through everything. We’ll remove your old furnace and install your new one, so all you have to do is call us at 253-533-7500 to begin the process today.