Hunt’s Services is your best choice for water heater repair if you live in DuPont, WA. Your water heater is responsible for supplying your home with hot water. Taking a shower with cold water is no fun. The moment you notice a problem with your hot water, a DuPont water heater repair service is a necessity.
Numerous underlying causes could create problems with your hot water supply. Age is one of the most common, as these devices only last for about 15 years, but other issues can arise at any time. You can get a few more years from your water heater by performing the necessary maintenance, though, and a technician can replace some components that break down, salvaging the unit.
Hunt’s Services has a team of certified and licensed plumbers with the skills, tools, parts, and experience to handle your water heater repair in DuPont, Washington. You can reach our team at 253-533-7500, and we’ll send a technician to your house or commercial property as quickly as possible, minimizing your downtime.
You never want to be without hot water for too long because it can make life uncomfortable. Get ahold of Hunt’s Services the minute you realize there’s an issue with your hot water supply, and we’ll get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible in DuPont and the rest of Pierce County.

Some Common Water Heater Problems
Numerous things can go wrong with your water heater, but it doesn’t always mean you require a new water heater installation. Hunt’s Services can repair your unit in many situations, saving you time, money, and hassle in the process.
Water Temperature Issues
If you turn your hot water tap on and nothing but cold water comes out, it means you have a problem. This issue generally signals damage to your thermostat or burner, which are responsible for regulating and heating the water, respectively.
You could also notice you don’t have as much hot water as expected, as the water feels cooler than it should, or it runs out more rapidly than in previous weeks. Both of these scenarios could also signal a problem with your thermostat or burner that you’ll want to address.
Fortunately, Hunt’s Services can replace your thermostat or heating element in many cases if we determine one of these components is responsible for your water heater problem.
Water Temperature is Too Hot
Another sign you have a water heater issue is when your water is too hot. While this problem isn’t as pressing, as you can adjust the hot-cold mixture coming from your taps, it could mean you have a thermostat problem that you’ll want to fix. This symptom could mean your valve is allowing too much gas to pass through, overheating the water in the tank.
Repairing your water heater is advisable in this situation because you could end up with significant damage if you ignore it.

Leaking Tank
A leaking tank is a surefire sign you need a technician on the job, but, unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to repair the tank. A leak in your water tank means there’s significant corrosion, so you’ll have to replace the unit. The leak may be in your drain valve, connector, or pipes, though, so having Hunt’s Services inspect your water heater makes a lot of sense because those are repairable issues.
Hunt’s Services is standing by to assist with any water heater problems you experience in DuPont, Washington. Call us at 253-533-7500 to start the process today.
Fixing Your Gas or Electric Water Heater
It should be no surprise that gas and electric water heaters work differently because they use different fuel sources.
Gas Water Heaters
A gas water heater employs natural gas to heat a burner and warm the water you use inside your home. These products are complex because there’s a gas delivery system, in addition to a valve that regulates the amount of gas that enters the unit. Typical problems that arise in these appliances include issues with the valve, thermostat, heating element, or tank. If you need to relocate or change your gas piping to your water heater, Hunt’s Services can take care of that as well.
Electric Water Heaters
Electric water heaters are slightly different because they utilize your home’s built-in electrical service. Much like a stove, these units take electricity and use it to heat a burner, which warms the water. You could experience problems with your thermostat, tanks, or burner when you have an electric water heater in your home or business. Your home’s electrical service could also be the underlying cause of your difficulties.

No matter the problem you’re experiencing, Hunt’s Services is available for emergency service in DuPont, Washington. Give us a call at 253-533-7500 to have one of our technicians diagnose and repair your problem today.
Tankless Water Heater Repairs
Homeowners throughout Western Washington are investing in tankless water heaters at increasing rates because these products are more durable and cost less to operate. They also require less maintenance and provide on-demand hot water that doesn’t run out.
While you’re less likely to experience problems with your tankless water heater, issues can occur that will leave you without hot water. You’ll be happy to know, though, that Hunt’s Services provides tankless water heater repairs in DuPont, Washington, ensuring your service is restored as quickly as possible.

The Hunt’s Services Difference
Give Hunt’s Services a call at 253-533-7500 to handle all your water heater repair needs in DuPont, WA. You won’t regret your decision once you have our experienced team on the job.