Toilets are central features of modern bathrooms. These appliances enable the efficient removal of wastewater and sewage, and they serve a key role in keeping your home hygienic. While it is easy to take this hardware for granted, toilet problems can quickly disrupt everyday life. Although resolving some toilet issues can be as simple as grabbing a plunger, many problems require expert intervention. A look at some of the top toilet problems that require professional troubleshooting or repairs can guide you on exactly when it is time to call your local plumber.

Running Toilet

A running toilet is more than just a noisy nuisance. This misfortune can also hurt your budget. According to the Environmental Protection Association (EPA), toilets already account for around 30% of a household’s water usage, and a running toilet is a leading cause of higher water bills. If your toilet is running, it could mean that the rubber seal that separates your tank and bowl is ineffective. This defect or malfunction causes water to seep into the bowl and forces the tank to constantly refill itself. Whether you need to replace internal components or there is a more complicated reason, a plumber can help eliminate the waste of running water.

Leaking Base

If you notice a steady supply of water seeping from the toilet base, it is time to reach out to a professional. This can indicate a damaged sealant or other hardware issues. The solution can be as simple as replacing the wax ring or may require more intervention, but a plumber can determine the exact course of action. Failure to address this problem promptly can cause the damage to spread to other parts of the floor and result in mold problems or rotting wood. Longstanding moisture can also cause the entire flooring area beneath the toilet to become soft. When this happens, the floor will no longer support the weight of the toilet combined with a sitting individual. If the bathroom is on an upper floor, this type of structural damage can even lead to ceiling collapse. Because of the possible extent of damage, you should never ignore a leaking toilet base.

Cracked Bowl

Toilet hardware is durable, but accidental impact can cause fractures or cracks. While a toilet lid may be simple to replace, the bowl is often more complicated. This part of the appliance is fixed on the flooring and connects directly to the waste exhaust pipe. Since attempting to repair or replace a bowl yourself can lead to further damage or unsanitary conditions, you should always contact a plumber about structural issues in this part of your appliance.

Foreign Objects

If a foreign object becomes lodged within your plumbing, it can damage sewer lines. It’s important to contact a professional to remove plastic toys, electronic devices, and other irregular devices. Even items that some people believe are “flushable” are foreign objects that can clog septic tanks. These objects include diapers, wipes, or sanitary pads. If you believe that a foreign object is stuck in your system, do not keep attempting to flush it down further. Instead, call a plumber for assistance.

Sewage Smells

If you smell an overwhelming odor of raw sewage from the bathroom throughout the day, your property could have a broken sewer pipe. This is a plumbing emergency that requires intervention as quickly as possible. Sewer gases can contain toxic substances like ammonia, methane, and nitrogen oxides. These fumes can compromise the health of home occupants if they get long-term exposure. Sewage can also contain bacteria and microorganisms that cause serious illnesses. Plumbers have the training and protective gear to repair sewage pipes without spreading toxic chemicals and contaminants. Since ruptured sewer pipes sometimes originate deep underground, plumbers also have the equipment necessary to locate the exact source of the leak and make repairs before it further damages your property.

Constant Gurgling Sounds

While toilets may emit some noises, bubbling or gurgling sounds could indicate a more serious problem. Gurgling often indicates a blockage. Although plumbing involves wastewater, it still needs proper airflow to avoid creating a vacuum. But if the system is clogged, air can become trapped and create the bubbling sound. Without the appropriate action, blockage can result in wastewater backing up into your home. Whether the exact cause is a blocked vent stack or blocked sewer line, a plumber can diagnose the underlying problem and fix the issue. Finally, unusual toilet noises like bubbles or burps can also signify worn-out components. Contact a professional for proper fittings and replacement.

Repeated Clogging

Having a clog now and then may require the use of a plunger to simply move things along. If your toilet clogs every day, however, the problem may demand an advanced diagnosis. Plumbers have access to industrial-grade tools like sewer cameras, augers, and plumbing snakes to thoroughly inspect sewer lines. A range of problems like tree root obstructions, corrosion, botched construction, or landslides can damage sewer lines. Issues that occur this far downstream require experts to complete restoration and repairs. Plumbers have training to use techniques like hydro-jetting or similar methods to clean or clear your sewer lines.

Frozen Pipes

Extremely frigid temperatures can cause pipes to freeze. This inhibits the passage of water and also increases the likelihood of cracks. If temperatures have dropped and you suspect frozen pipes, contact a plumber for help. Plumbing companies may have commercial thawing machines that allow water to flow freely again.

Refill Failure

If your toilets fail to refill after flushing, you can have mechanical as well as pipe problems on your hands. For example, toilets that do not refill can indicate valve malfunction or supply pipe issues. A professional can diagnose the problem to ensure that your appliance works properly again.

Slower Flush

While an occasional slow flush can mean a temporary clog that dislodges on its own, toilets that continue to flush slowly for days usually have underlying issues. A common underlying cause is buildup deep within the drainpipe. Due to the depth of drain buildup, ordinary plungers or DIY techniques are unlikely to repair this problem. Contact a plumber to inspect for drainpipe accumulation and buildup removal. Slow-flushing toilets throughout your home can also signify a water pressure issue. This may mean that the plumbing system has a major leak, breach, ruptured pipe, or eroded waterline. A plumber can test your water pressure and correct the issue.

Rust and Corrosion

Rust and corrosion occur when metals oxidize due to prolonged exposure to water. The appearance of rust around the toilet can result from old age, improper installation, or unrepaired damage. However, if you can find rust in all of your toilets and faucets, you probably have iron in your water instead. Since corrosion can impair the performance of this appliance, a plumber may need to replace the toilet or its components.

Contact Us Today

Toilet repairs require the help of professionals who can complete the job correctly the first time. If your toilet no longer works properly, our team can assist you. Hunt’s Services offers plumbing repairs for homes in Tacoma, Puget Sound, and surrounding areas. We offer toilet inspections, diagnoses, and new toilet installation if necessary. In addition to toilets, our bathroom services include shower inspections, tub repairs, and drain cleaning. We offer repiping services throughout the home, and our plumbers also provide maintenance for sump pumps and water heaters. No matter the plumbing issue, our experts can help. Reach out to Hunt’s Services today for any plumbing needs.

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Jason Hunts
Jason Hunts

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